Complete and easy installation of geopandas in python
geopandas is a library in python which is used in plotting graphs with maps, To see its implementation, I have an article on it here.
geopandas can be kind of tricky sometimes to install, because it requires a lot of support libraries along with a C-compiler and a lot of prerequisites, which leads to a lot of frustration, and I faced that too.
So Let’s get into it!

We install the libraries which are a prerequisites. No need to worry, its pretty simple.
You will need to use the conda prompt, you can access it by searching it in your taskbar,
NOTE: you need to have anaconda to use the conda prompt, and in this article I am using jupyter notebook.
Once you open the conda prompt, type this in
conda install pandas fiona shapely pyproj rtree
Now, open a new jupyter notebook, and type this in:
!pip install geopandas
And…You have finally installed geopandas in just two lines.
signing off,
a fellow beginner